Bev Doolittle
American Artist
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Bev Doolittle Print Value: ‘The Forest Has Eyes’
Bev Doolittle Print Values
Are Bev Doolittle prints worth anything?
Bev Doolittle prints are in fact valuable there is a huge range in value from $10,000 down to $5.00. Some of her prints are worth much more than others. The key factors are is it signed and numbered and what is the subject of the print. Several of her images are worth much more than others. We will rank them in value at the bottom.
How much is a Bev Doolittle painting worth?
The value of your Doolittle painting or print is built upon several factors which range from size to condition to style. I’ll break them down for you below, just keep in mind the easiest way to do this is to just pick up the phone or email me a picture. If you would like to have your Bev Doolittle Print or Painting appraised click the green button above.
Print or Painting?
The first step is narrowing down the value of your Bev Doolittle painting is to establish if it is a print or a painting. All the prints are of paintings and look just like them so telling them apart can be very tricky. Bev Signed and numbered many of her prints so if you see 150/2000 or numbers like this in the lower left corner you have a print. Her signature in the prints and paintings can look very similar so don’t put too much weight in seeing that. What to look for next is the presence of a printing ink matrix. This will only be visible under magnification.
Subject matter
Bev made images covering many subjects relating to an imagined history of the west. From a value or resale perspective the two which have maintained the best resale value are ‘Woodland Encounter’ and ‘The Forest Has Eyes’ these two prints have a value tens times higher that that of the other prints.
Signed and Numbered
Bev’s body of prints can be divided into two groups limited (numbered) editions and “open editions” which are neither signed or numbered. The unsigned prints are extremely common and worth very little.
The largest prints tend to draw the biggest prices with ‘Calling the Buffalo”, ‘Woodland Encounter’ and ‘The Forest Has Eyes’ being the big three. These are the largest popular prints and also have the strongest secondary market.
This may seem obvious but condition is key. currently in the market there is almost no tolerance for Doolittle prints which are trimmed down, water-damaged, wrinkled or spray mounted to a board.
- Woodland Encounter
- The Forest Has Eyes
- Two Indian Horses
- Hide and Seek
- The Sentinel
- Double Back
- Sacred Ground
- Spirit Takes Flight
- Beyond Negotiations
- When the Wind Had Wings
- Eagles Flight
- Wolves of the Crow
- Eagle Heart
- Where Silence Speaks
- Spirit of the Grizzly
- Pray for the Wild Things
- Good Omen
- Gardian Spirits
- Calling the Buffalo
- Christmas Day
- Music in the wind
- Sacred Circle
- The Earth Is My Mother
- No Respect