Pedro Montoya “Huichol Shaman’s Path” Yarn Work

Pedro Carrillo Montoya (Huichol, 20th/21st c.) Yarn painting on wood board titled “The Huichol Shaman’s Path of Completion,” 1992. Created under the guidance of Mariano Valadez Navarro. Signed and dated along the verso. With an additional inscription along the verso reading: “The path of the shaman begins in childhood, when the parents educate the child about the Huichol tradition and the inhabitants of the mystical realm. The children are told of the powers of the hallucinogenic plants and animals with shamanic powers. As the children grow older, their sensitivity to spirit beings increases, and their healing powers begin to manifest. The shamanic apprentices acquire numerous power objects and spirit allies who aid them in their shamanic skills. Most important, they acquire the skills to communicate directly with animal and plant spirits.” Provenance: From the Estate of Horst Rechelbacher, Osceola, Wisconsin. Horst Rechelbacher, the founder of Aveda and Intelligent Nutrients, was a pioneer in the field of safe and eco-friendly cosmetics. The same curiosity that led him to explore ways to improve the beauty industry led him to travel the world, collecting rare and beautiful objects as he went. This sale features selections from that lifetime of eclectic and inspired collecting, including furniture by Carlo Bugatti, Gabriel Viardot, and Josef Hoffman; artworks by artists ranging from Old Masters to Salvador Dali to Arman; an impressive collection of Indian sculptures; and much more. Be sure to explore our timed-only online auction of other fascinating objects from this collection that will be posted in mid-August. Height: 23 3/4 in x width: 23 3/4 in.
