Gun Stock Saw French Revolution
Gun Stock Saw French Revolution

Gun stock saw, likely late 18th c., decorated throughout with mottoes and imagery related to the French Revolution. Incised along one side of the blade: “Viva la nation et tout ces bon cytoiens. Fait a Brignais…C. Vincent.” Incised along the other: “La mort dez aristocrats, la rejouissancez du diable….JFG.” The point is decorated with the image of a face above crossbones, dripping blood. The wooden handle carved with two folk art heads, one with a toothy grin and a cap and the other an animal missing its horns; possibly a devilish cartoon depiction of Louis XVI.

Saw: length: 44 in x width: 4 in.
Handle: length: 27 in x width: 6 1/4 in x depth: 1 1/2 in.
